Announcement: Winners of the BCLA John Dryden Translation Competition 2021 – 2022

The BCLA is delighted to announce the outcome of the John Dryden Translation Competition. The John Dryden Translation Competition awards prizes for unpublished literary translations from any language into English. Literary translation includes poetry, prose, or drama from any period.


has been awarded first place for The Beatrice Monologues translated from Stefano Benni’s Italian text Le Beatrici

Rachel Farmer

has been awarded second place for Incoming Tide translated from Achim Engstler and Astrid Dehe’s German text Auflaufend Wasser.

Clive Watkins

has been awarded third place for The Occasions: Seventeen Poems translated from Eugenio Montale’s Italian text Le Occasioni.

Isobel Foxford

was highly commended for Steppe translated from Olavo Amaral’s Portuguese text Estepe.

Jesper Gulddal

was highly commended for Rousseau’s Island, or St Peter in the Biel translated from Jens Baggesen’s Danish text Rousseaus Ø, eller St. Peter I Bielersøen.

Marina Sofia

was highly commended for The Holiday Game from Mihail Sebastian’s Romanian text Jocul de-a vacanţa.

For the full list of winners, including the short- and longlists, see our John Dryden Translation Competition page.

Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to the entrants!

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