

Join the BCLA

Postgraduate Membership

Postgraduate members registered for a Masters, MPhil, MRes or PhD degree at a UK or international Higher Education Institution.


BCLA’s peer reviewed house journal, Comparative Critical Studies

Online access to the three issues published per annum of Comparative Critical Studies.

BCLA’s monthly newsletter

A monthly newsletter via e-mail featuring up-to-date news and events relevant to our members’ interests.

travel bursaries

The opportunity to apply for one of the travel bursaries awarded twice annually towards attendance at conferences and research events.

Arthur Terry Prize

You can contribute an entry for the annual Arthur Terry Prize awarded for an essay written in English on any aspect of Comparative Literature.

entry to the John Dryden Translation Competition

One free entry to the John Dryden Translation Competition sponsored jointly by the BCLA and the British Centre for Literary Translation. Winners are also eligible for free membership of the BCLA for one year.

Postgraduate days & seminars

Attendance at regular half days and seminars for postgraduate students, led by top scholars in the field together with besides a BCLA-sponsored postgraduate reception and one-day conference, held at regular intervals.


Other opportunities for networking, including through dedicated social media, with the national and international community of postgraduate students and collaboration with all scholars in the field who share an interest in comparative literature and related fields.

Membership of the International Comparative Literature Association

All BCLA members also hold the automatic right to membership of the International Comparative Literature Association (AILC-ICLA) which confers a wide range of benefits, and enables members to form part of a network of thousands of comparatists around the world. Please consult the AILC-ICLA website for further information.

Join the BCLA

Become a Member Today

Postgraduate Membership subscription for one year is: £18.00

To express an interest in becoming a member, please complete the application form below, which will receive a response in not more than two working days. Further information on payment and correspondence concerning membership will be provided by the Treasurer of the BCLA, once a completed and valid online application form has been received.

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