Online Workshop: Covid and the Woman Writer, IMLR, University of London, 30 April 2021

Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing
Online Workshop, Friday, 30 April 2021

Covid and the Woman Writer

The sudden change to human life as a result of the current pandemic has yet to be understood, and it will no doubt take years to comprehend its impact upon the human subject. Women in particular may have been impacted more severely as a result of increased workloads and adjustments to working from home due to lockdown. Both creative and academic women writers may be particularly well-placed to capture the impact of the experience of Covid on the human psyche and on quotidian experience. There are manifold avenues to explore, and this workshop aims to do so through facilitating an exchange of experiences and ideas.  Contributors include writers and academics from the UK and around the globe.

The programme comprises four panels (below) and concludes with a conversation between author Annett Gröschner and translator Katy Derbyshire:

  • Capacity to Work/Publish/Create
  • Personal Testimony/Creative Contribution
  • Studying Women Writers
  • Translation

The full programme can be downloded here: Programme 

Participation in the workshop is free and open to anyone interested. Advance booking is essential. Booking closes 29 April 2021. 

Book the event here:

Workshop Organisers: Caragh Wells ( (Bristol) and Godela Weiss-Sussex (IMLR) 

This event is organised under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing at the IMLR.

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