BCLA First Book Prize


Inaugural BCLA First Book Prize

We are pleased to announce the launch of the BCLA First Book Prize, which will be awarded at the BCLA’s 50th anniversary conference in 2025. The prize will recognise an outstanding first monograph in the field of comparative literature, understood in its broadest terms.

Please note: submissions to the Book Prize are now closed. The winner will be announced during our 50th anniversary celebrations (date and details to be confirmed).

1. Eligibility criteria

  • The BCLA First Book Prize will be awarded to an academic monograph in the field of comparative literature published between 1st January 2021 and 31st December 2023 as the author’s first book-length scholarly publication.
  • The author has to be a member of the BCLA. (Please note: current members of the BCLA Executive Committee are not eligible to enter.)
  • All submissions must also meet at least one of the following criteria:

a) the book was published by a British publisher,

b) the book’s author received their doctoral degree from a UK university;

c) the book’s author is affiliated with a UK university at the time of submission.

Works that are purely creative writing projects are not eligible.

Works dealing with translation or translation studies are eligible, but translated works are not eligible.

2. Rules of submission

  • Authors can self-nominate or be nominated by publishers and/or scholars.
  • A pdf of the book should be submitted electronically via the submission form below
  • Submission deadline: 1 January 2024

3. Prize

  • The prize of £500 will be presented at the BCLA anniversary conference in 2025.

4. Prize committee

  • The prize committee for the BCLA First Book Prize 2025 includes five judges:

1. Professor Ziad Elmarsafy (KCL)
2. Professor Francesca Orsini (SOAS)
3. Dr Ian Ellison (University of Kent / Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
4. Dr Joanna Rzepa (University of Essex)
5. Dr Jessica Sequeira (University of Cambridge)

Apply now


BCLA Book Prize Application

Please use the form below to submit your entry.

Max. 300 words
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide a PDF copy of the book for review.

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